The creative life is worth the trouble. 
It’s a constant struggle. To find the time and opportunity to be creative. To write a blog, to produce a podcast, to write a screenplay, and to perform stand-up and story-telling. I love doing it all and I’ve been unlocking the creativity in myself all my life. Even when I was in nursery school, I was drawing with crayons and one of those drawings got selected to be displayed at Los Angeles International Airport. That was a big deal for a 5 year old.
Creativity: Art between you and your god
Whether or not you have a large loyal following, if you’re a dedicated artist of any type, you create every day. You do it for the cleansing of your soul. You do it to see what you can create and even for a brief moment, feel and actually become a god. However, the real world – whether it’s the halls of an art museum or the boardroom of a corporation — the real world responds with likes and dollars. That’s where we all want to be. That’s our ultimate goal as artists.
New Internet platforms can bring in creative revenue
Whether it’s Patreon, the fan supportive site for creatives or Kickstarter, there are new ways to cash in on your creative creations without too much effort. Google them. They are really fascinating. We literally live in the new golden age of marketing our creativity.
Keep creative ventures alive
You owe it to yourself. Pick up a paint brush, open a blank Word document, download a podcast recording program. Believe me, you will feel better. No matter if anybody sees or hears your creation. Because ultimately, your creative experiments are for your soul first, your bank account second.
For the Hollywood Dog, this has been Steven Alan Green 4/15/17